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08:05 GMT         Day 18 of 90, Season 69    

* South American Glory *

Written by Team Dynamite at 01:56 18/8-2016

  After years of managing team SprintingKings and a succesfull retirement the quite unsuccesfull manager is back.
  A big bag of money and the promise of a fresh start convinced him to start a new low level amateuristic project at the urugayan Team Dynamite. Founded to be a leading developer of south american cycling Team Dynamite will try to mainly focus on succesfully profesionalising the south american cycling scene.
  Another chance at glory for this terrible manager let's see if this time he can manage to put in enough effort to sign up for some races.
  Capital of Uruguay, today.
  Message aproved by PR manager Toli Navaez.


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* South American Glory *

  After years of managing team SprintingKings and a succesfull retirement the quite unsuccesfull manager is back. A big bag of money and the promise of a fresh ...



Team EksilFG at 11:34 19/8-2016
  Nice sprinter

NightmareChaos at 09:08 19/8-2016
  Welcome back

ekaitz team at 13:21 18/8-2016
  good luck, Charrua!!!!

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